We underwrite risk in transportation insurance worldwide, maritime and on inland waterways, for goods of all types, extended overland kasco and carriers liability.
We safeguard events and valuable goods, with circumspection and professionalism.
Shipping or railroad accident? Damage or loss of transported goods? Disruption of the refrigeration chain, fire en route or at a warehouse? An event ends up (literally) under water? Thanks to our special position as underwriters, we can, in case of damages, guide our clients through the entire process from the assessment of damage to its remediation.
Mund & Fester
Since the founding of Mund & Fester in the year 1874 by Adolph Mund and Heinrich Fester in Antwerp, and in 1876 in Hamburg by his brother Jules Fester, we, together with our partners, have been developing individual concepts in coverage, intelligent prevention schemes and efficient risk-management.
We are underwriting agents and work, with specialist know-how, on effective insurance strategies.
As a service provider of the insurance industry and, in partnership with insurance brokers, we also reliably protect and secure building sites on land and water, events and all things of value.
We do this with passion, and on the solid foundation of our company tradition dating back to 1876.
Hull & Machinery
“We insure everything that floats.” Ocean-going and inland vessels, sports and leisure boats, as well as complex hydraulic construction and equipment.
Mund & Fester offers worldwide protection for all sorts of goods, with special points of focus: With all forms of transport to and from points of storage, under German and international conditions.
Mund & Fester offers analysis and advice on customized insurance products. Objects and projects of high value such as jewellery and gemstones, furs, concert events, art exhibits and race cars are but some of our specialties.
In partnership with our clients and cooperation with professional brokers, we have, for many years, been service providers for more than 30 domestic and international insurance companies.